$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송
질문 & 답변
Can this be used with other products like K9 Advantix II?
Yes it can safely use with Advantix, but Simparica Trio covers ticks, fleas, heartworms and most common intestinal worms. You might not need any other product.
My dogs are 8 and 11 pounds - I do not see a product for that weight. Do you have one?
Yes we sell all Simparica Trio products for all weights. You can find it on this page: https://www.petbucket1.xyz/b/2401076/1/simparica-trio.html
Is this price an introductory price or long standing shipment?
This is what you will pay now and the future, if you buy with autoship. We don't change our prices unless the manufacturer increase theirs.
What is name of company! Where is this company? Where do you ship from?
We are Pet Bucket Ltd. which is based in the UK. The product will be shipped from our Singapore warehouse.
Why don’t you need a prescription from your veterinarian? I thought there was no over-the-counter heartworm available. Is it different than the one you get from the veterinarian?
It is exactly the same product. We ship them from a country (Australia or Singapore) where these products are over the counter products.